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News & meetings

Our cause elsewhere on the Web

So many articles are being published! Here are just a few, but please Google search to keep updated.

2023-02-01 The National Observer - We're not giving up

2023-01-23 Turtle Island News - Kanesatake hung out to dry on cement plant

2023-01-18 Edition AP Une Première Nation du Québec s'oppose au projet de la cimenterie


2021-11-29 The Review - Champlain council says Whats good for the goose is good for the gander

2021-5-10 Ottawa Citizen - Bergevin: Cement plant near L'Orignal would hurt the environment, and humans

2021-4-27 Le Droit : Projet de cimenterie à L’Orignal: la municipalité de Champlain n’ira pas en appel

2021-4-22 The Review; Action Champlain will request an appeal of LPAT decision on cement plant

2021-4-21 Le Droit:Projet de cimenterie de L’Orignal: Action Champlain veut aller en appel

2021-4-21 EAP; Action Champlain continues de se battre

2021-4-21 EAP: Action Champlain continues to fight

2021-4-21 EAP: Action Champlain se mobilise contre la décision

2021-4-21 The Review: Letter to the editor - Gary Campagne

2021-4-21 EAP- Jean Poirier atteré, sidéré

2021-04-20 The Review: Action Champlain legal team to decide if cement plant decision will be appealed

2021-04-20 Le Droit - Cimenterie de l'Orignal Action Champlain en campagne de financement pour faire appel

2021-04-19 Le Droit: Cimenterie de L’Orignal: Action Champlain en campagne de financement pour faire appel

2021-04-16 Le Droit: Une mauvaise nouvelle pour l’Est ontarien

2021-04-15 Le Carillon: Une décision du tribunal soutient le projet de cimenterie de Colacem

2021-04-15 EAP:Tribunal ruling supports Colacem cement plant proposal

2021-04-13 Le Droit: Un tribunal tranche en faveur de la cimenterie à l'Orignal

2021-04-13 Ici Radio Canada: Cimenterie à L’Orignal : Colacem Canada obtient gain de cause face Action Champlain

2021-04-12 The Review: Tribunal gives green light to L'Orignal cement plant

2020-12-09 Entrevue Unique FM

2020-11-26 Ici Radio-Canada: Projet de cimenterie à L’Orignal : le dossier sera bientôt pris en délibéré 

2020-11-26 EAP: Expert witness questions Colacem cement plant noise report

2020-11-25 EAP: Expert witness questions Colacem cement plant noise report

2020-11-24 The Review: Dust and sound discussed during past week at Colacem LPAT hearing

2020-11-19 EAP: Hearing begins on Colacem cement plant proposal

2020-11-17 TFO: Le Tribunal se penche sur l'Avenir du Projet de Cimenterie à l'Orignal

2020-11-16 La Presse: Un projet de cimenterie sème l’inquiétude en Ontario

2020-11-12 Le Droit: Le sort de la cimenterie de L’Orignal entre les mains du TAAL

2020-11-10 The Review: LPAT hearing into proposed L’Orignal cement plant begins

2020-11-04 EAP: Colacem cement plant project hearing November 9

2020-11-03 The Review: Letter to the Editor -Democracy on the rocks

2020-10-28 Vankleek Hill Nature Society

2020-10-23 EAP: Audience virtuelle prévue sur la proposition de cimenterie

2020-10-19 The Review: Cement plant hearing to begin November 9, and the public can watch and listen

2020-2-22 NCPR: Cement plant case closer to being heard in eastern Ontario

2018-10-11: Ici Radio-Canada: Élections municipales à Champlain : le projet de cimenterie de Colacem en toile de fond 

2018-8-30 Ici Radio Canada: Projet de cimenterie à L'Orignal : le manque de personnel bilingue ralentit la tenue d'audiences

2018-3-17 The Review: The $50,000 answer: That’s what Action Champlain got from Champlain Township

2017-6-14 The Review:Mayors hold line on cement plant; Desjardins says

2017-6-14 Ici Radio Canada: Un autre vote en faveur du projet de cimenterie à L'Orignal

2017-5-19 Ici Radio-Canada: Des résidents questionnent huit maires sur le projet de cimenterie à L'Orignal

2017-5-18 CUPR Modifications en cours No.30

2017-2-25 Ici Radio-Canada: Le canton de Champlain dit non au projet de cimenterie

2017-2-17 Ici Radio-Canada: Projet de cimenterie à L'Orignal : le débat se déplace devant la Commission des affaires municipales de l'Ontario

2017-1-25: The Review: Champlain Township council votes against cement company

2017-1-25 Ici Radio-Canada: Le canton de Champlain dit non au projet de cimenterie

2016-5-4 Ici Radio-Canada: Colacem en mode séduction à L'Orignal

2016 Commentaires reçus du Ministère de L'Enviornnement sur Colacem

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News & meetings

Request to Designate project - federal level

During the hearings of the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT), numerous errors and omissions contained in the file which was submitted to obtain an Environmental Authorization (EA) from the Ministry of the Environment, nature and Ontario Parks were unveiled.


You are aware that the provincial Ministry of the Environment, Nature Protection and Parks (MEPNP) refused our requests to revoke the Environmental Authorization for the cement plant.

This is why, on August 30th, 2022 we submitted a request to the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change of the federal government.

This is a request to designate the L'Orignal Cement Project as a Designated Project under the Canadian Impact Assessment Act (IAA). Click HERE for more details.

We are confident that the documents sent clearly demonstrate that the proposed project has the potential to cause significant environmental impacts to components of the environment that are within federal legislative authority.

Residents of First Nations, Ontario and Quebec affected by this project deserve to have an accurate, thorough and complete impact assessment on this project.


E-3695 Petition to the Government of Canada

This petition was presented to the House of Commons on May 17th, 2022 and the federal government has responded September 20 2022.

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