News & meetings

Update on Action Champlain to combat UCPR's decision - April 27, 2017

Action Champlain wishes to inform all residents of the Township of Champlain and the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (CUPR) of the steps taken to combat the decision to approve the Amendment No. 30 of CUPR’s Official Plan, an amendment requested by Colacem Canada Inc. to enable it to construct a cement plant on land adjacent to its quarry on the Country Road # 17.

On February 21st, 2017, Action Champlain filed a Notice of Appeal with the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB).  Action Champlain asked the OMB to invalidate the decision to approve the Amendment.  The arguments of Action Champlain can be summarized as follows:

1. The CUPR have not complied with the procedural requirements imposed by law.  In particular, prior to making a final decision, the UCPR was required to hold a public meeting to allow interested persons to express their views on the Amendment.  The meeting of October 17th, 2016, which was meant to be such a public meeting, was not a meeting of the municipal council (composed of eight mayors).  Only three of the eight members of the Counsel (CUPR's mayors) were present.  This meeting therefore does NOT meet the requirements of the law and the decision to approve the Amendment must therefore be cancelled.

2. In addition, the Amendment does not comply with the applicable land use planning principles. In particular, the proposed Colacem facility is too large for the subject land and will cause adverse effects or even damaging effect on the neighborhood that are not permitted under applicable laws and regulations.

Following the filing of the notice of appeal, and due to the procedural flaw raised by Action Champlain, CUPR announced a new public meeting will have to be held to discuss the proposed Amendment. THE DECISION OF JANUARY 25TH, 2017 IS THEREFORE NULL AND VOID AND THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE UCPR WILL HAVE TO VOTE AGAIN ON THE PROPOSAL OF COLACEM.

Action Champlain welcomes this first victory in its efforts to combat the proposal of Colacem.  It is also a victory for the failure to respect the will and interests of the residents of the Township of Champlain expressed by the CUPR by voting to adopt the Amendment.

A new public meeting will be held on Thursday May 18th, 2017 at 6:00 pm at the Vankleek Hill Arena in order to allow more population.  All citizen are welcome to attend.  This is very important that all be present at the meeting

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